WHEN nine-year-old Shetland, Little Betty became unsound the Land family from Norfolk knew they had to do everything they could to get her comfortable.
Owned by Nicola Land and ridden by her four-year-old daughter, Edith, Little Betty is a huge part of the family.
Said Nicola: “We first noticed Little Betty was off colour when I lost my old horse and she became a bit stressed.
“We had to move her to another field and I think this was where the problem started and we could see she was foot sore but with careful management she came right and Edith was able to get back to Pony Club rallies.
“The issue started again when we moved house and although we fenced off a small paddock it seemed the upheaval of the new environment had upset her and this time she was much worse and was very foot sore.
“We decided to call the vet and the xray showed she had rotation of the pedal bone and was lame on one of her front legs.
“I was chatting to a friend who I used to show Shetlands with to get her thoughts on what I could do and I also got advice from the vet on laminitis management and looked into supplements that may be able to help.”
Nicola started to use LaminAid supplement and Podosens, on her hooves in combination.
All was going well until Nicola wormed Little Betty and she took a big step back in her condition going really footy.
Adds Nicola: “I was really annoyed with myself but realised what I had done and kept on with the supplement and hoof oil.
“Little Betty continued to look better and better and in just over a week I was talking to Edith and saying we would soon be back out at Pony Club.
“Edith was thrilled and so pleased that she was able to get to a rally. She just loves Little Betty and meeting up with her friends to ride at Pony Club. We are so pleased the two of them can enjoy their riding together.”
Cavalor LaminAid is a unique balanced combination of several essential oils. Each oil is charachtarised by a specific structure, composition and effect. They work on various different levels in the body to support metabolism. The oils support the sensitive intestinal flora and bring hormonal and metabolic processes back in to balance. Cavalor LaminAid also supports circulation towards the hoof.
Cavalor LaminAid is used in combination with Cavalor PodoSens. Cavalor PodoSens is a therapeutic hoof oil. The blend of essential oils helps provide suppport for sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity.