Cavalor Dry Feet-For A Dry Frog & Sole

DRY FEET-The new natural formula for Cavalor Dry Feet is based on prebiotics and probiotics to provide the sole and frog with good, protective microflora for the active suppression of pathogens. This product is used worldwide by veterinarians, farriers, grooms and riders to treat soft areas of the hoof. 

NO HOOF, NO HORSE Thrush is a common bacterial infection of the hoof that affects the frog. Horses with deep grooves and narrow heels are at a higher risk of thrush. Even if you keep your horse’s surroundings as clean as possible, pathogens will always remain. Horses often stand in stalls containing manure or in wet, muddy paddocks. These are ideal conditions for anaerobic bacteria to survive in the hooves and cause damage there. Once the tissue becomes damaged, these bacteria may even penetrate to the sensitive areas of the hoof under the frog and lame the horse. 

The new Cavalor Dry Feet formula is 100% natural and contains a combination of good bacteria (probiotics) and inulin (prebiotics). Inulin promotes the activity of the probiotics in the product as well as the good microorganisms already present on the hoof. These colonise the entire surface of the hoof, actively displacing any bad bacteria that can cause issues such as thrush. 

The new Cavalor Dry Feet formula was tested extensively by people whose horses were afflicted by thrush: 

SPEED OF RESULTS: Over 98% of users saw a noticeable difference after 10 days, with more than 60% even seeing results within 5 days. 

EFFECTIVENESS: 89% of test subjects thought Cavalor Dry Feet Natural was as effective or better than other products they had tried 

AVERAGE ASSESSMENT: Users were asked to indicate how satisfied they were with the results of Cavalor Dry Feet Natural, from 1 for “Not at all satisfied” to 5 for “Very satisfied”. The concept of using good bacteria to suppress bad bacteria has already been applied successfully in food storage applications. It is part of Cavalor’s ultimate recipe for a healthy horse, from the inside out. For example, Cavalor VitaFlora promotes optimal digestion in the large intestine. Bacteria exist in many forms, each of which will respond to specific conditions differently. This is precisely why selecting the right probiotics and prebiotics is essential to enable the product to function as effectively as it should. The bacillus ferment, the probiotics in Cavalor Dry Feet, is a collection of bacteria that occur and thrive naturally on healthy hooves. Inulin is the best source of nutrition for this bacillus ferment, contributing to a good, long-lasting effect

250ml Spray RRP £20
